6 Simple Steps to Prevent Greasy Hair

You may wonder how some peoples hair is always silky and soft, and not being washed for a couple of days, still doesn't look particularly greasy. Then looking at yours after a day, you wonder how it can become so greasy so quickly and so it needs rewashing....again.

It's really not that hard of an issue to fix and once you've achieved your result, it's still not that difficult to maintain. I will say however, it may take a couple of weeks or so to see the results.

1. Don't wash your hair too often 

This has got to be one of the biggest stumbling blocks for people to get around when wanting to reduce the speed of grease build-up in their hair. I think it's because of the fact that when your hair becomes greasy or dirty, the logical way to get rid of it would be to wash it.

Whilst this does work at the start, washing too often can actually be a contribution to grease as you're not letting your hair replace its natural oils, and so excess oils are being built up.

Stop washing your hair for about a week to let your hair get its natural oils back, then after this, wash it only every 2-3 days. 

When you first start doing this your hair will look greasy, but after a couple of weeks you'll soon notice the difference.

2. Don't go to bed with wet hair 

Not only should you not go to bed with wet hair (as this will cause it to become greasy overnight), but you should try to avoid clumping your hair together when it's wet, e.g: ponytails.

3. Change your pillowcase regularly 

Over time, dirt and oils will build up on your pillowcase, and will transfer over onto your hair when you lay down. A simple rule of thumb is to change them once a week.

4. Stop touching your hair 

Touching your hair is a really easy thing to do, and when you make a conscious effort to stop, you'll notice how many times you do touch and run your hands through it.

Touching your hair can shift the oils from your hands into your hair and can cause it to become greasy in just a couple of hours. This is more noticeable when either your hands or/and head are sweating.

5. Cut down on the conditioner 

I'm not saying that using conditioner is a completely bad thing, but using it too often is another thing that can increase the production of grease.

6. Eat healthy and drink lots of water 

Like with most bodily issues, eating a healthy diet of fruit and veg, and drinking lots of water, can and will help the current situation. 

This doesn't mean you can't eat anything apart from fruit or veg, but just try to make sure you do get the healthy stuff into your system regularly.
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