How to Find Inspiration

Inspiration! When we have it, we feel on top of the world. So much can be done through inspiration and has served many individuals well over the course or history. 
Somehow it can just appear out of no-where and hit us straight on, helping us to further ourselves along the road.

Yet, as quickly as inspiration can come, it can vanish just as quickly. It's a horrible feeling, wanting to do something, but yet at the same time not really wanting to because of the fact that your uninspired, and so your drive has left you.

So is there a way we can get inspiration back into our lives?, not only obtain it, but hang on to it?
Well, I think that the answer is yes, and although the first reaction may be 'great', it isn't always successful and isn't always that easy to gain.

So here's a few tips that will hopefully allow you to get some inspiration, if none of these work, then maybe you need to come at it from a different angle, or maybe you're pursuing the wrong thing?

1. Friends or groups

A great way to find inspiration is by being around other individuals who also share your passion. It can be friends, or it can be a group that meet up just for this, whichever one you opt for, you are bound to find some level of inspiration. 

Wanting to share your experiences and knowledge with others is common, and so being around like-minded people will help to develop your love for what your doing, but also encourage you to continue with it, and maybe bring out a bit of competitiveness. (Competitiveness is also good for inspiration as it drives you forward).

2. Historical Examples

Another great way to find inspiration is by searching back through history (recent and not so recent), finding out about individuals who were in a similar situation to yours. 

You can see how they dealt with their situation, how they made correct or incorrect choices, and their end results. 

3. Success stories

You could really sort of include this in point#2, but yet not really.

Looking at other people's success stories, ones relating to what you're doing, can really aid in inspiring you to continue. This can be especially true when they've come from where you are (situation-wise not location-wise), or even from a worse-off place than you. 

See how they did it, look into what inspired them, and try to follow some of their examples.

4. Forums

Similar to point#1, except this won't be with human contact, yet you'll still be able to get other peoples ideas and suggestions. 

There are millions of people who use forums, and there are millions of forums catering to different topics. 

Find a forum that you would like to get involved in, sign up, then get stuck in. You could maybe use the 'don't break the chain' motivational technique to make sure you stick at it. 

After a while of forum posting, you will start to be recognised and others will start to respect what you have to say more.

5. Magazines, books, blogs.

A good magazine, book, or blog, will be filled with ideas, stories, and other things to help you crack on with what you want to achieve. 

Often magazines will let you send in letters and will feature the best ones. You are able to read others to see how they're getting on, and also send in some letters of your own. If you're lucky enough to get a letter featured, this will surely give you some more incentive to be spurred on. 

Many blogs will also allow you to participate, normally through commenting. You can read other peoples views and feedback on what you've just read. 
With so many blogs out there, I'm sure there will be one for you. 

I can think of many times I've lost inspiration for this blog, but reading other blogs out there and relating to some of the bloggers personal situations has helped me somehow continue, and find my 'mojo' as it were.


As simple as it sounds, quotes can really help you to continue what you're doing. Find some quotes you're fond of and stick them where you know you're going to see them, post-its are good for this.

Quotes to do with motivation are good, and if you're interested, here's a post I wrote a while ago: 50 Motivational Quotes

7. Go for a walk

Often just allowing yourself to go for a walk alone in a peaceful environment, will allow you to really hear yourself think. I find when walking (or exercising in general), ideas seem to accumulate inside my head. Normally I don't have anything to write them down with, so I have to try and remember them, but its just easier and more convenient to have a pen and pad at hand.

I find one of the best times in the day is early morning. Everything is so still and peaceful it's brilliant. Although a problem with early morning walks I find living in England, are not the warmest, so don't be fooled by the sun.

8. Have a Journal/Notebook

A simple yet effective source of inspiration can be your own ideas and thoughts. Write down these in a plain notepad/journal, and then slowly develop them from there. 

I use one for blogging so I can write down future post suggestions and any changes I may want to make to the blog now or in the future. I also keep track of where I am with the blog now, and expand upon previous ideas.

It takes some getting used to, but after a while of using one - you'll see the benefits.
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