The Logic of Logic

We are always using logic in our daily lives, from small to big tasks. Although we still make mistakes, a bit more time spent thinking would allow us to get a better end result.

What Exactly is Logic?

Logic itself can be tricky to define completely, but it is derived from the Greek word 'logos', which is translated as "sentence", "discourse", "reason", "rule", and "ratio". These translations in themselves are still not enough to help us understand what logic is.

A general way of defining the term logic could be to say it is the study of critical thinking and reasoning.

Logic isn't just reasoning, but about how you reason. It's no good trying to reason with yourself that something is good when it's not, having the skill to reason effectively and honestly is part of logic as well.

Using logic to back up your point is good, but only using logic to try and back up your point isn't. Having the ability to look at a situation from multiple angles is when you're getting somewhere in terms of logic.

Why Should we Apply it to Ourselves?

As a system of critical reasoning, logic is a principle that can pertain to all things and is essential for our lives. Reasoning can be good or not so good, logic can help to tell what it is.

Logic is something that we should all apply to our lives, so many misunderstandings, mistakes, and embarrassments can be avoided.
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