How to get Yourself to Read More

When you sit down to read something are you someone who can stay there for a good couple of hours engrossed? Or are you someone who has trouble staying focused for just a couple of minutes? Well, if you're the latter, hopefully this post will be of some help to you.

1. Pinpoint the reason for wanting to read

Why do you want to read? This is the first question that you should ask yourself. Maybe it's because you want to improve your reading ability or maybe it's because it's something that you think you would (or know that you) enjoy. 
If you don't know why you want to read then what's the point of reading at all?

If you want to see some of the benefits that reading brings then click on the link: 'The Benefits of Reading'.

2. Start with material that interests you

If you're not used to reading and are trying to get into the habit of reading, then the last thing that you would want to do would be to read something that doesn't interest you. Doing this will most likely put you off reading all the more and potentially stop you all together.

So the best thing to do would be to read things that do capture your interest or spark your curiosity - it's these that will allow you to maintain reading as you will want to read, and when you want to read it no longer becomes something that is forced. 

Asking other people's opinions on what they would recommend is a good thing to do because usually a person will recommend a book that has had enough of an impact to come to the surface in answer to your question, meaning that it's a good possibility that it will be a captivating read - as long as you ask someone who has similar interests to you (reading-wise).

3. Start with a short/moderate length book

When wanting to try and get yourself to read more, it's not necessary for you to start reading 1000 page books in hope that you're going to be able to keep it up because more than likely you wont. This tip goes well with point #2 in that not only should you pick a short to moderate length book to begin with, but you should also try to make sure that you enjoy it. It will make reading a lot easier for you if you enjoy it and if it's short it won't feel like you're having to slog through it. 

Sure you can start with huge pieces of reading material but it's most likely going to be another thing that could put you off. In time once you've got used to reading short/moderate length books you can then start to increase length.

4. Identify when you're most likely to read

There are some points during the day where we naturally are able to concentrate on a book more than usual, whether that be early morning or late at night. It's important to recognise these "peak" reading times when momentum and focus comes easier. Getting yourself to read at these times will be brilliant for getting you into (or reintroducing you to) reading.

I'll give you an example: for me my most optimal time to read would be at night before I go to bed. I can just concentrate so much more on a book at this time rather than, lets say, the middle of the day. So if I am to read it will normally always be at this time - unless if I really get into a book and read it all the time. :)

5. Set aside time each day

Sometimes we have so many things to fit into the day it can seem hard getting round to doing everything. So making sure that you schedule in some time for reading will definitely help as you will know how long reading will last for and that will enable you to be able to find some time to allow it to occur. 

For example: you may only be able to fit in 10 minutes, so you have a known set amount of time, and this will enable to not only plan around that 10 minutes or be able to squeeze that 10 minutes somewhere, but will also get you into the habit of reading and soon it will become part of your daily routine. Goes well with point #4.

6. Try a variety of genres

You may know what sort of things you like to read and what you don't - brilliant. 
Some of you who read this won't know what they like when it comes to reading. So I would suggest going to a local library (somewhere where you don't have to pay) and collecting a wide variety of books from different genres, or borrowing some off of other people you know. 
Start with one of the books and if you can't get into it (say something like 2-6 chapters in depending upon how long they are ) and are finding it a struggle then I would suggest moving onto the next book. 

Eventually you are bound to come across a genre you like; whether that's sci/fi, biographies, cookery, history, fantasy, fiction, non-fiction, religious, science, music, etc. 

Even if you do know what you like and don't, it can still be good to try other genres you maybe haven't had chance to try before, because who knows, you may find another genre that appeals to you. 


Once you've got into the habit of reading you can then move on to more complex material and things that you usually wouldn't go for. It's getting into the habit of reading that's the hard part, once you get there it's not so bad. I've written a previous post called 'How to Enforce a New Habit' if you're interested.
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