How to get over Writers Block: 6 Tips

Okay, so you have the inspiration, the determination, the passion, all of which is essential to writing...however, you have what all writers fear: 'writers block'! Every committed writer at some point or another experienced writers block.
This post is intended for both writers and bloggers and has some tips that I hope will be able to help you.

1. Write Ideas down as they come to you

Ideas won't always (and normally don't) come to you at the most convenient of times, they can come whenever and it seems when it is of inconvenience (feels like it anyway). Whether you are taking a shower, at work, driving, on a walk, they can just suddenly appear to you and you have only really have a limited opportunity to react upon that. As ideas can come thick and thin between each other and can evaporate from the mind within seconds, you are going to have to be quick about what you do. I suggest (as many others would) that your best option is to write them down. This way you can store your ideas and not have to worry about forgetting them as they're their in stone...well ink.

You can choose what you want to record them with, a good old trusty pen and notebook work as well as anything and are cheap to pick up. Me personally, I use my phone which has an app called evernote which I use to record ideas amongst other things, but feel free to use whatever you want.

2. Write things related to whats on your list.

When having writers block it can be difficult to come up with new ideas and new concepts. So go to your list of ideas and just write something that is related to what's on there. For example you may have pollution written down, so you then may decide to separately write about green living, both subjects are related but are two separate topics. By writing about something related to what you want to write about can often help with ideas for what you want to write about because of the similarities between them.

3. Write about anything

It's essential when experiencing writers block that you still write, it doesn't have to be about what you want but can be about anything. Don't even think about what you're going to write about, just write about the first thing that pops into your head. Don't worry about what does pop into your head; whether it's a chicken, a rainbow, Ronald McDonald - it doesn't matter as long as you are writing about something. You'll be surprised how this can actually help you with writers block and is also good for your all-round writing practices. 

4. Leave it for a day or so

Whilst this may seem like odd advice it's not. Often by just getting away from it all can help you to conjure up new ideas and keep you feeling refreshed, as opposed to being bogged-down by it all. Let yourself get away from it all, by being persistent (which is often a good thing) it can sometimes have the reverse of the desired effect and actually put you off altogether.

5. Read

Reading is a great thing for writers to do as it is ideal for inspiration. It is a way for you to expose yourself to the world of writing without actually writing yourself. You will be able to see different styles and approaches to the art of writing. You will also be able to pick up on how authors are able to communicate to you the reader through their own individual style. The more you read - the more used to writing styles you will become and you'll find yourself incorporating things you've read into what you're writing without even realising it. 

6. Go for a walk

This works surprisingly well. Going for a walk helps to clear your head and alleviate anxiety/stress. Make sure that you take something that can record your ideas as I find when I take my dog for a walk that ideas will just come to me. I know that I've lost a lot of ideas through not taking something to write them down with and so now always take something to record them in. 

Fresh air is brilliant for you and doesn't have to be specifically walking, it's more about the 'getting some fresh air' part that is important - I just find walking to be relaxing and relatively easy to record ideas whilst doing it (as opposed to some other outdoor activities like running or cycling for example). :)
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