Can you Still be Friends with your Ex?

When it comes to the question of whether or not you can remain friends with your ex, like the majority of discussions there are two sides on which people stand-by. In the case pertaining to still being friends with your ex the two sides are: "yes you can", and "no you can't". When asking people who you interact with or maybe just people who are acquaintances this question, the answers will normally be mixed. Some will say "yes of course you can" and others will say "no of course you can't". 
It doesn't get any easier when you go online for advice as you are bombarded with different opinions and voices telling you what to do and think (,granted I know that this blog is online). 

So what is the answer when it comes to the question "Can you still be friends with your ex?"...well I happen to think that the answer is yes you can still remain friends with your ex. Of course I know that when it comes to a relationship-parting it's not all fun-'n'-games and can be quite the traumatic experience for one of if not both of the individuals. And in this scenario when you have both left on bad terms then yes it will be harder to remain friends or seemingly impossible, however, this does not mean that you have to leave it on bad terms. 

If both of you though were good friends when you were in the relationship and you got on well together then it will be difficult to brush that to one side and say goodbye to what once was as you know that you both get along/got along. Knowing this can help and if one individual decides to still remain friendly to the other individual there is a good chance that you two can work-out as a friendship. 

Having said this though, it is uncommon (although it would be better if it wasn't) to see mutual breakups and so usually one party is hurt a lot more than the other (if that other is hurt at all), and so it is a lot more common to see relationships ending in a bad way. Not to mention that you and this individual would have shared memories and intimate things with each other and the level of trust would have been high between you both, so by a person breaking-up with the other will mean severing all that you have shared - and this is what normally tips the scales in the direction of not remaining friends. It can be hard for both individuals to remain friends especially after one has betrayed this level of trust, however, an effort can be made to remain friends and hopefully a friendship can still remain if both people are willing to try. 

What good does it do both of you to fall out? Is it beneficial for both of you coming from a relationship to become mortal enemies? No it doesn't do you any good, and to be honest will only make the situation between the both of you worse. 


As I have said above I do think that a person can still remain friends with their ex, however a lot of people don't remain friends. It maybe that it would be better if you two don't remain friends as you know that it can never go back to how it was before, although there is no need to fall-out and make each others life a misery - but it is achievable to get to a stage where you two can be friends. 
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