No Snacking Challenge Day 14

Two weeks have now passed since I took up the 'no snacking challenge', during this second week it's been a mixture of easiness and difficulty.

At the end of week one, I was starting to feel the difficulty of not snacking, but was able to get through it. At the beginning of this second week, that difficulty overflowed into the first couple of days, causing me to almost trip-up and give in.

It seems, now that I'm trying not to snack, that more and more opportunities keep cropping up for me to fall-down. For example; I've noticed there's been quite a lot of unhealthy, yet very tasty things in the house I could, and probably would normally, snack on. I have resisted, but it's just a factor on my mind.

Another example is when people offer me things to eat. 
My mum and sister were eating some minstrels in the living room. As I walked through, I was offered some. I turned them down, feeling annoyed that I couldn't allow myself just one. My mum then started to insist that I ate one, I again declined. Then she started to try and force some into my hand, at which point I had to leave the room. 
It seems quite comical to think about, and I'm sure it would have been to look at, but if I hadn't of escaped, then I think I would have given in.

I've been offered things at work as-well. A guy there offered me some pieces of Galaxy chocolate. Now normally I would have taken the pieces, thanked him for them and thought nothing else of it. With snacking being out of the question at the moment though, I had to politely refuse. He then tried to ram them into my face, as a joke, and it came so close to me having a piece, but somehow once again I managed to stay away.

This week has been different than last week in the terms of intensity. The first week had a more consistent level of intensity, getting slightly more heated by the end of the week, but all-in-all quite consistent. 

This week however, snacking hasn't been on my mind. It's only when an opportunity does present itself, that the intensity of wanting to snack becomes pretty intolerable, much more than the first week. After it's past though, It's no longer on my mind. To be completely honest, apart from these snacking opportunities, snacking hasn't been on my mind.
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