Is T.V Wasting Your Time?

Often we wonder where all our free time goes to? one minute we seem to have some - the next it's gone. The first thing a lot of us say is that it's work that wastes so much of our time but that's something that we need to do and is something that society needs us to do - it's just part of our daily routine so can't be blamed for wasting our 'free time'. 

One thing that definitely does waste a lot of time would be t.v. Now when I say waste time I mean it's not anything that is productive or beneficial or outside or social, but is just something that causes you to sit and do nothing. Now I'm not saying that t.v isn't fun to watch or nice to have a sit down to but when you think about it - it does consume quite a lot of your life. 

For example: a quick calculation you could do would be to tally up how many minutes or hours of t.v you watch a day, let's say 1 hour which is fairly easy for most of us to accomplish during a day. Now if you watch t.v for 1 hour every day for a whole year that would be 365 hours of t.v watching. To put that into a bit more perspective that's the equivalent to watching t.v 24 hours a day for just over 15 days (just over 2 weeks)! 
That calculation was only with 1 hour of daily t.v watching. The average daily t.v viewing consumption time for British people is 3.5 hours!!! That's the equivalent to over 50 hours of t.v watching a year, which is equivalent to over 7.5 weeks of non-stop t.v watching!!!
Here's a really shocking figure, in the United States the average amount of time watching television daily is a whopping 8 hours!!!!! On average the only thing that consumes as much time or more is sleeping. If we did a calculation to 8 hours of t.v watching a day we could figure out that that would be the equivalent to watching 2,920 hours a year! 2,920 Hours a year is the equivalent of just over 17 weeks or 4 months of non-stop t.v watching! That is a huge waste of time. 1/3 Of the year in fact!

Think about one thing that you would want to do or want to get better at. Maybe that's improving reading ability, learning to play an instrument, exercising, blogging, whatever it is it would be time better spent. 1 Hour a day of that chosen activity would be (like stated above) the equivalent to doing over 2 weeks of that thing relentlessly a year.

Now there was a time in my life when I became a huge t.v watcher and at the start I really enjoyed it. But after a while I noticed that that was all I did and I didn't do anything else. So after a while of doing this and wasting a lot of my time, I managed to get a job and start doing other things rather than watching t.v - and now I don't really watch that much of it at all and can easily turn it off whilst in the middle of something.

A question to ask yourself is if you had a room with a sofa in but no t.v, would you go and sit down on that sofa for an hour or more every day and just do nothing? I'm guessing the answer for most of us would be no, and why? well because that would be a waste of our time as you're doing nothing...well that's essentially what t.v watching is too.

Now if you're reading this post you will probably be under the impression that I think that t.v isn't something that we should do, but actually I don't think there is anything wrong with watching t.v but it's how much you let it rule your life that I think is wrong. I watch t.v myself but I don't let it consume me to the point where I can't turn it off and I can quite happily turn it off and not watch it for extended periods of time, and it's this what I'm trying to get at.

Ask yourself how much your time do you spend watching t.v and if you can honestly go without it. A good experiment you can do would be to not watch t.v for 2 weeks, no exceptions. It may prove a lot harder than you first think.
If however you know you do watch a lot of t.v and you can't really go without watching it here's a previous post of mine: 8 Steps to Reduce T.V Watching.
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